SASS Chairperson Faizel Jacobs along with fellow Ostomate Graham Daniels, plan on running the 2022 Cape Town Marathon flying the flag for Ostomates across the country.

They hope that their journey will educate and advocate for Ostomates for Ostomates across the country.

What is a Stoma?

A stoma is an opening on the abdomen that can be connected to either your digestive or urinary system to allow waste (urine or faeces) to be diverted out of your body. It looks like a small, pinkish, circular piece of flesh that is sewn to your body.

Why are they running the Cape Town Marathon?

Faizel aims to document his personal journey in preparation of the Cape Town Marathon by highlighting the struggles faced by Ostomates across the country. These range from pouching systems shortages, leaks, skin irritations, limited access to qualified stoma nurses to name but a few.

There are less than 100 qualified stoma nurses in South Africa?

With an estimated 60 000 stoma patients in the country, there are less than 100 qualified stoma nurses to care for ostomates. This has led to patients being incorrectly scripted and cared for often resulting in the ostomate isolating themselves from society.

Getting Nurses Qualified

Between now and 16th October 2022 (Marathon Day) Faizel & Graham hope to raise R50 000. These funds will be used to send nurses in the public healthcare sector on the Stomaltherapy Course. This in turn, would make a HUGE difference to the ostomates quality of life that are seen by these now QUALIFIED STOMA THERAPISTS

They Need Your Help

You can support Faizel & Graham on the mammoth challenge by donating towards this project by processing your donation on this online platform or via direct deposit to:

Bank: Standard Bank


Acc Number: 10 13 439 353 6

Branch Code: 4109

Reference: Stoma-Nurse

Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ

They Need your Help

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