Advice and Tools

For every step of your Ostomy Journey

SASS aims to advocate and  align the standard of  Stoma care and services across South Africa which will be applicable to both the private and public sectors. 

Ostomy Care

Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks for Living With an Ostomy. Here, you will find a tip for almost every question about the ostmy! The right ostomy care is the alpha and omega
About us

Who is SASS?

The South African Society of Stomates (SASS) is a Non-profit organization formed by Ostomates across Southern Africa to facilitate a “holistic” approach to ostomy patient care by bridging the gap between the private and public sectors whilst advocating for the rights of fellow ostomates throughout the country.

SASS aims to advocate and  align the standard of  Stoma care and services across South Africa which will be applicable to both the private and public sectors. Thereby aligning to the global standards set out by The International Ostomy Association (IOA).

SASS also aims to support all ostomates and their families with their transition into the new normal.  Ostomates of all kinds are welcome to become members of the organization whether you have a urostomy, colostomy, ileostomy & whether it is permanent or temporary.

The organization is new and in its beginning phases and invite you to register as a member. As a member you will have access to all ostomy related information and events posted as well as form part of a collective family of fellow ostomates who can provide and share with each other ostomy experiences, support and advice.

Featured Topics

For Living with a Colostomy, Ileostomy or Urostomy

Help us achieve

What we set out to achieve with YOUR help


Medically reviewed surgery-specific information. Making sure you have access to the best possible care. Ostomy pouch management tips, diet & nutrition, skincare, sexuality, travel tips and more!


Support to you & your family whilst you transition into your new normal. You will have access to a local peer support group,  where you can get answers to questions, or connect with our Facebook community.


We aim to advocate the standard of Stoma care across private and public sectors, whilst aligning with the global standards set out by The International Ostomy Association (IOA).


What has been happening at SASS

ColoRectal Cancer Awareness
SASS Is Proudly Supported By