Fasting during Ramadan and Salah as an Ostomate

Imaam Rashied Omar will be joining us to discuss a topic many of our Muslim Ostomates have been asking, namely can I fast during Ramadan and how do I make salaah and is my wudu not voided because of my stoma.https://youtu.be/cs2LUfjJuQA

SASS – February 2024 Webinar

We are doing things differently in 2024. Our virtual meetings will now be streamed across multiple platforms simultaneously and can be viewed on FaceBook, Instagram, LinkedIn & Youtube.Our first Webinar included: Our Constitutional Rights as Patients in South Africa facilitated by SECTION27 How does Functional Fitness benefit an Ostomate and how can this reduce the […]

Living with Collitis – Nadia Ali

My story like many others living with Ulcerative Collitis, is more or less very similar. Living with Collitis since 2002 for me was a nightmare. To the point of much deliberation and contemplation I walked into my surgeons room so mad with life and this feeling of unfairness. I said doc “I’ve had enough of […]

Shocking treatment of stoma patients in the public health sector

Daily Maverick exposé has revealed the shocking treatment of stoma patients in the public health sector. Many have resorted to dangerous alternatives due a shortage of colostomy pouches in Gauteng, while others are fitted with incorrect ones. There are also allegations of tender corruption among suppliers. Mark Heywood, Citizen Maverick editor, says the problem is […]

Lerato took to Kilimanjaro beginning of June 2022

We are so proud of our very own Lerato, who as an ostomate summited Mount Kilimanjaro. “After I confronted this stage3 colorectal cancer mountain and survived it, I felt the urgent need to create awareness about this type of cancer and what being an ostomate means. Being an avid multi-day hiker I felt my ostomy […]

Pierre shares his learnings

Hi, my name is Pierre Van Der Merwe. I have a urostomy, not sure how many people on the group has one (ilial conduit) But one of the interesting things I have learned (on this group) is that some of you give your stoma bag a name? Now from the start my “bag” felt like […]

Michelle Fourie shares her journey

Michelle Fourie

Hi my name is Michelle Fourie. I am 45 years old and it is my 1 year stoma anniversary (December 2021). I have a colostomy bag. It all started about a year-and-a-half ago. I thought my appendix had burst. The pain was unexplainable. Paramedics arrived and did not want to send me to the hospital […]