As always, please remember that any educational material is a guide to what works in most cases. If you find that you are still struggling with a product or leakage, it will always be best to reach out to your stoma nurse.
If you are struggling to get the support it is that you need, please contact SASS via email at info@sasstomates.org.za and we would gladly see how we can assist.
Disclaimer: Please note that any educational materialAny references of product made or educational materials shared on the SASS platforms are merely for educational purposes. A bag choice, or supporting products used, should be done in consultation with YOUR Stoma Therapist. The sole purpose for sharing product information & educational material is to educatate the Ostomate in order for him / her to have informed discussions with their Stoma Therapist or Physician. This information shared also does not nor do they replace replace a consultation with your Stoma Therapist or Physician.
s shared is for reference purposes and does not replace a consultation with your Stoma Therapist.