Every three years, ostomates from around the world come together to celebrate World Ostomy Day on the first Saturday in October. This year it was held on October 2, 2021 and the European Ostomy Association (EOA) has declared the motto as “Ostomates’ Rights Are Human Rights – anytime and anywhere!” It is an opportunity for the world to join forces to increase public acceptance of ostomy surgery and to help people to better understand that health is a human right for everyone.

During the Covid19 pandemic the ostomy community around the world has been impacted such as ostomy nurse visits in the home being reduced and peer-to-peer support visits from an ostomy mentor in the hospital stopped. In some countries, there has been limited access to ostomy supplies due to supply chain issues and/or limited access to affordable ostomy appliances. As a result, the EOA wanted to rekindle a focus on the Charter of Ostomates Rights.

Ostomy Rights are Huma Rights

With the World Ostomy Day motto; Ostomates’ Rights are Human Rights!; we have joined the worldwide movement and the EOA’s goal to: “underline that ostomate rights are not negotiable. They must be respected by governments, state entities, healthcare authorities, companies and suppliers, by doctors and nurses, by every human and by every society – even in uncertain times.”

Quality ostomy care should be provided to all regardless of race/ethnicity, age, gender, religion, place of birth, health or other status (even having an ostomy!). We urge you here in South Africa to join SASS and help us drive this change across South Africa. Share the Charter of Ostomates Rights and familiarise yourselves with it. Dont be afraid to speak up if you feel that YOUR RIGHTS are not being honoured. If you feel you need more support, CONTACT SASS on WHATS APP – 066 261 0654 or email us at info@sasstomates.org.za

Video Extract shared by the United Ostomy Association of America inc.

At SASS we endevour to not just support, but also ADVOCATE for the rights of Ostomates across South Africa by using the Charter of Ostomates’ Rights as a guide to set an appropriate agreeded apon standard of healthcare and support for our Ostomy Community.

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