Types of Ostomy Bags and How to Choose What’s Best for You

Many Ostomates fall victim to the common misconceptions that daily leakage and skin irritation are normal occurrences that come with the territory of having an ostomy. The reality is, they are going through unnecessary struggles due to the fact that they aren’t using the best products for my individual situation.

Intimacy with an Ostomy

It is normal normal to feel anxious about how stoma has changed your body and this can make you shy away from being intimate with your partner. Meaningful and fulfilling intimate encounters can still be part of your and your partner’s lives.  Open and honest communication with your partner lay at the heart of the […]

SASSTOMATES Running 4 Nurses

South Africa has over 60 000 people living with a stoma and less than 100 nurses qualified to offer appropriate support & care. Sasstomates Faizel Jacobs & Graham Daniels will be running the 2022 Cape Town Marathon to raise funds for SASS. Funds raised will be used to send nurses in the public healthcare system […]

SASS – July 2022 Support Group Meeting

Meeting Details: Topic: Lifestyle Tips & Tricks Date & Time: 27 July 2022 at 19:00 Johannesburg Please join the SASS Support group meeting where we will be chatting lifestyle tips and tricks for Ostomates.  PLEASE NOTE: Once registered you will receive the meeting login details.

SASS at Tygerberg Hospital Stoma Clinic

SASS, in collaboration with the Tygerberg Hospital Stoma Clinic & The South African Stomaltherapy Association (SASA) hosted a workshop with nurses from the stoma clinics that fall within Tygerberg Hospital’s district. At the event, our Stoma Nurse Sr Busi from Tygerberg hospital and Sr Aneeke from SASA spoke to the group in attendance covering topics: […]

Lerato took to Kilimanjaro beginning of June 2022

We are so proud of our very own Lerato, who as an ostomate summited Mount Kilimanjaro. “After I confronted this stage3 colorectal cancer mountain and survived it, I felt the urgent need to create awareness about this type of cancer and what being an ostomate means. Being an avid multi-day hiker I felt my ostomy […]

Understanding your Colostomy

Understanding your Colostomy

Understanding your Colostomy plays a huge role in coming to terms with having one and most importantly, managing your “NEW YOU”. Please join our June  Support Group meeting as we explore Colostomies in abit more detail. We will explore: operations that result in a colostomy recap diet constipation/diarrhoea colostomy irrigation Parastomal hernias     Date […]

SASS – What Stoma Products are Availible?

We are so thankful to the team at SASA (The South African Stomaltherapy Association) for supporting our monthly meetings. This evening, Sr Jane Hoole chats to us about Stoma Products available in South Africa. Through the course of this conversation, we covered some interesting topics that we are confident, you the Ostomate will find extremely […]

Understanding your ileostomy

Understanding your ileostomy plays a huge role in coming to terms with having one and most importantly, managing your “NEW YOU”. Please June our May Monthly Support Group meeting as we explore ileostomies in abit more detail. Meeting Details: Topic: Operations that result in an ileostomy/Ulcerative colitis vs Crohn’s disease/recap diet/managing lose watery stools/appropriate pouching […]

Is my colostomy blocked or am I constipated?

Is my Ostomy blocked? A blockage is not only with Colostomy right ? Understanding your gut plays a significant role in helping you manage life with your Stoma. In this support group meeting , our The South African Stomaltherapy Association (SASA) nurses Dee and Jane recap on the Gastro Intestinal Tract, types of stoma then […]