November Virtual Support Meeting
24 Novemeber 2021 we will be hosting our final Virtual Meeting for 2021 and we have prepared a TREAT for you all. We welcome fashion model, author, entrepreneur, motivational speaker & double Ostomate Jearlean Taylor. At the age of 3 years old, Jearlean was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer; Rhabdomyosarcoma. Cancer- Free after […]
World Ostomy Day
Every three years, ostomates from around the world come together to celebrate World Ostomy Day on the first Saturday in October. This year it was held on October 2, 2021 and the European Ostomy Association (EOA) has declared the motto as “Ostomates’ Rights Are Human Rights – anytime and anywhere!” It is an opportunity for […]
September Virtual Meeting
For Ostomates by Ostomates We are Ostomates living in South Africa, hosting monthly virtual meetings and we are inviting you to join in the conversation. If you an Ostomate living in South Africa or do you know an Ostomate living in South Africa then please register by completing the form below.Alternatively you can also register by […]
Fundamentals Of Stoma Care
As always, please remember that any educational material is a guide to what works in most cases. If you find that you are still struggling with a product or leakage, it will always be best to reach out to your stoma nurse. If you are struggling to get the support it is that you […]