Types of Urostomys

Ileal Conduit

An ileal conduit is a common type of urostomy. If you need an ileal conduit, your bladder must be removed due to disease or injury.

In this surgery, a part of the small intestine is cut and clamped shut at one end. This creates a new urine container or “bladder.” The two ureters (tubes) that carry urine from the kidneys are attached to this new bladder and the open end of the new bladder is then brought out through your abdominal wall, to create a stoma.


In a ureterostomy, one or both ureters (urine tubes) are redirected from the kidney through the abdominal wall to form a stoma.

This is a very rare procedure. This type of surgery is most often seen as a temporary measure in some paediatric patients and is rarely meant to be permanent.